miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Oral Project 7th level

 The oral project was a good experience.... well done

Next, you have some pictures about each one's presentation.

Marcelito Arévalo.- His exposition was about "Thailand"

Maryori, talking about the "Scrabel" game rules.

Carito Frías, differences between Ecuador and Mexico

Jess talking about cultural differences between Canada and Netherlands:

Carlita Gavilanez, her exposition was about "The seven world wonders"

Me: with Dubai

David: Cultural differences between Japan and Mexico

Andres Lopez telling a personal experience, It was so funny.

Carito Montoya talking about Brazil and its exciting culture.

During this two hours of interesting expositions we learnt facts from different countries, cultures, sports, food and on. It was an enriching experience. And our grades were also excellent :D

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